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Frequently asked questions

Find the answers to some common questions and queries.

A remortgage is when you take out a new mortgage on your existing property, in order to obtain a different deal.

If you have poor credit, you may still be able to get a mortgage. It will depend on things like your affordability and expectations of the lender.

The fees you incur when taking out a mortgage will vary but you can typically expect to pay an arrangement fee, a booking fee, a valuation fee, and possibly some other smaller fees, there are lenders with fee free options, all will be discussed at length with your broker.

There is no legal requirement to take out insurance when you get a mortgage, but your lender will want you to have buildings insurance in place.

A buy-to-let, or buy-to-let mortgage is a type of mortgage used for buying a property that you intend to rent out to residential tenants.

Yes, possibly. If you lender allows you to do so, you can consolidate personal debts into your new mortgage deal, reducing the amount you pay in interest over time.

There is no “one size fits all” approach to a mortgage term as everyone’s circumstances are different, the lower your mortgage term the less interest you will pay overall, it’s important to factor in what you are able to spend monthly and complete a thorough income and
expenditure review to determine the best term to suits your budget.

There are a number of mortgage’s available ranging from fixed rates to discounted rates and offset mortgages and many more, similar to the term of your mortgage there is no one size fits all approach, everyone has unique needs and circumstances. We will discuss the different
options at length and ensure we obtain the right mortgage product for your needs.

This depends, but typically you’re looking at around 2-6 weeks for a mortgage offer to be issued, this does heavily depend on the lender and their current service levels, part of what we do is manage this process, so you don’t need to contact the lender for updates, we work closely with the lender to obtain the mortgage offer and update you throughout the process.